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WVGES Releases Publication Update of Oil and Gas Well Data

May 2, 2024

The West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey (WVGES) is making available for purchase a digital publication of its oil and gas well data as a secure download or on DVD, as a tool to aid in the exploration and development of the Mountain State's oil and gas resources and the understanding of the State's subsurface geology.

Developed over the past more than 50 years, the Survey's digital database of more than 154,000 completed and permitted oil and gas wells contains data for wells completed in West Virginia since the late 1800's. The digital database was originally created by WVGES staff primarily to support the research and information programs of the Survey, and secondarily to support information requests from the public. The Survey is releasing the data to help develop a better understanding of the subsurface geology of the State and to encourage a more active pursuit of exploratory and development drilling programs in the State. The database can be used to support industry, government, and public needs for geologic, geographic, and production data for oil and gas wells in the State.

Released as Digital Data Series-5 (publication DDS-5), WVGES Oil and Gas Well Data for West Virginia (Release 2024), these files were designed to be used in a relational database system. The files, however, can be adapted for use in other types of systems or used individually.


The publication contains ten data types. Coded data fields are translated. The data types/tables/files include:

  • well locations (coordinates of the surface of the well in latitude/longitude in decimal degrees, latitude/longitude in miles south of a reference latitude and west of a reference longitude, UTMs; tax district, quadrangle, etc.);
  • bottomhole well locations (coordinates of the bottom/end of a deviated/horizontal well bore in latitude/longitude in decimal degrees, UTMs; and a flag identifying whether the coordinates are "as proposed" or "as drilled");
  • well completion and ownership (spud and completion dates, elevation, total depth, deepest formation, IPs, completion method, farm name and number, operator, etc.);
  • pay, show, and water intervals (depth to top and bottom of interval, formation at top and bottom of interval, datum, etc.);
  • stratigraphy (formation tops and thicknesses, etc.);
  • production reported (monthly and annual gas/oil/natural gas liquids, year, operator, etc. since 1979; natural gas liquids (NGLs) since 2013; produced water beginning in 2019);
  • plugging (date and depth);
  • scanned e-logs available in the Survey's log library (log types, depths, etc.); scanned log traces are not included in this publication, but are available for free download on our website);
  • digital e-logs available in the Survey's log library (log types, depths, etc.); digitized log traces are not included in this publication, but are available for free download on our website);
  • well samples and cores available in the Survey's sample and core library (tops and bottoms of intervals, formations, etc.).

Record formats for the data files and a "ReadMe" file are provided in PDF format.

Format Options:

The publication consists of a secure download or DVD which contains the same well data in two formats: as ASCII text files and as a generic Microsoft® Access database. Records are keyed on the 10-digit API number, which is used to link data between the files/tables.

ASCII Files: The ASCII files contain "raw" data, with the expectation that the user will import the files into application software, such as a relational database like Microsoft® Access, SQL Server, or Oracle, or similar application. Files may or may not be able to be imported into spreadsheets (such as Microsoft® Excel) in their entirety as record limits may be reached. The ASCII text files are comma-delimited, with data fields enclosed in double quotes.

Access Database: The same well data are also provided in the publication in a generic Microsoft® Access (2013) database format, a relational database, with the data organized into individual tables based on data type. No relationships have been set up in this generic database. The generic Microsoft® Access .mdb file exceeds 1.3 GB in size.


Cost to new customers is $1,000 plus 6% sales tax; cost for the update to customers who previously purchased the database is $100 plus 6% sales tax. The publication is available in two forms: as a secure download, or as a DVD at an additional small shipping and handling charge. Normal shipping is by U.S. mail; shipment by other means is available for an additional charge. Credit cards (VISA and MasterCard) are accepted.


Annual updates to the electronic publication are planned and are available at $100.

To Order:

To order the publication, contact Ken Ashton at (304) 594-2331.

Further Information:

Contact Phil Dinterman at (304) 594-2331.

Page last revised May 6, 2024.
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